Blue Wave Grandmaster Kwon's Gumdo (Sword Art) Organization consists of martial arts shools in the 6 New England states (Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island). Buck Roger is the leader of Blue Wave Kwon's Gumdo Organization of these 6 state. Buck Roger is a 5th Dan Kukiwon certified degree and also has 20 years of being a Kwon's Taekwondo instructor. The members of Blue Wave Organization consist of instructors and masters that are Taekwondo certified 4th through 8th dan.
They are all students of master Bruce Twing. Master Bruce, the first founder of a Taekwondo school in New England states. He first learned Taekwondo in 1960 when he was in the US Air Force stationed in Osan Air Base in South Korea. When he finished his service to the Air Force in 1963 he came back to his hometown of Vermont and began teaching Taekwondo and made many student instructor and master. He passed away in 1999 due to cancer. After he died his students founded the organization of Blue Wave, meaning Chungdo, which is the biggest Taekwondo organization in the world. The Blue Wave Organization has 12 different martial schools with instructors that have 30+ years of taekwondo experience. The 12 martial arts school have over 600 students. Blue Wave has invited Grandmaster Kwon and swore an oath to make a new history. Shaun Twing who is the son of Bruce was also in attendance to today's event.