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RPD Report


Registered on 2024. 12. 19

You are invited.

There will be a book release ceremony at the Dongguk University Law School Mock Courtroom on Saturday, December 28th at 10:00 AM.

The purpose of publishing this book is.

As a Korean, I have had many difficulties working in this field. This is because you can do almost nothing with just a private detective license. You can easily obtain a license by studying and passing the exam, but since private detective work is an investigation, if you don’t know the practical skills, you are like a blind person with your eyes open. I asked for help from private detectives around me, but most of them were in the same situation as me, doing security work or running errands for law firms rather than investigation work. So, I gave up the commissions I received from clients and started investigation work using my own money as expenses. I had many difficulties because I lacked legal common sense and understanding of administrative systems. I organized the practical skills I gained through this and wrote a book. A person who is lacking and still has a lot to learn published a book. I published it to be a guide to people who have lost their way in the same situation as me.

A book launch ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. on December 28th at Dongguk University Law School Mock Court Auditorium


12월 28일 토요일 오전 10시 동국대 법학대학원 모의법정 대강당 (B161)에서 도서 출간식이 열립니다.

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After Sept. 11, 2001, international trends have been alarming.

Domestic and international terrorists are equipped and better trained than many governmental military units.

Furthermore, terrorists and pirates use machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers, radar and high-speed boats to attack and hijack their targets of opportunity.

Raven Security Enforcement’s continually strives to develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures to counter current threats using the latest technology.

We are readily available to address our clients’ concern and need to Detect, Deter, and Defend any crisis situation.

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