Past 30 years, I has been living with proud of Korea Taekwondo master. But also many other martial arts challenged me through competition of martial arts. Through this, I have grown. August 5, 1995, I instituted the day of the Taekwondo in the State of WA. At this time, no other country in Taekwondo Day. Also I invited Korea Taekwondo demonstration team and held a demonstration event for many local residents who do not know the Korea every year. But from one day, I saw an empty clumsy behavior in young adults in South Korea. They are far from the roots of Korea martial arts in Taekwondo and brought the other countries of the martial arts in Korea, They act as the founder of the martial arts.
Even young children, can also learn skills through repetitive motion. You have no reason to do yourself proud, martial arts is a not only technique as well as spirit. To my dear Taekwondo masters, instructors and Taekwondo families, to love our Taekwondo and to develop and learn what we need, and let go with me to show to them the excellence of our Taekwondo.