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NRA 미국총기협회 교관 합격 했습니다.

Registered on 2017. 05. 06


I took the NRA pistol instructor test and range safety officer course all day today. Thank you to NRA instructor coordinator Orrin for taking the five hour drive to come early for today and instruct me on the course.

Instructor Orrin and I will be holding an NRA basic pistol course June 17th. We will be going over how to carry a gun and basic Washington state and national laws.

After the course there will be an examination, those who pass will get an NRA pistol certificate. Those interested should come join us!

저는 민간사법요원으로 미국가 무장공인탐정사면허와 무장보안면허가있지만 이분야 한인들에게 길을 열어주고싶어 미국총기협회 교관교육과 시험을 치루어 합격했습니다.

범죄기록이 없는 시민들은 무기허가증(conceal wepon permit)을 신청하여 소지하고 있지만 대부분 교육을 받지 않아 현행법과 옳바른 총기사용법을 몰라 총기 사용후 범죄자가 되는 경우가 많습니다.

현제 미국총기협회(NRA)는 세계적명성을 가지고 있으며 앞으로 한인들에게 좋은 직업군을 형성하여 줄것입니다.

List of Articles
사립탐정 면허취득 교육과정을 개설했습니다. file 2025-01-09 32
한국 17개 지역에 레이븐리글테스크포스 지부를 조직하고 있습니다. 2023-09-08 957
세계공인탐정연맹TVWFPD 2021-01-12 2874
스프레이 사용법 2020-08-25 2964
삼단봉/진압훈련 2020-08-25 3018
NRA 미국총기협회 교관 합격 했습니다. file 2017-05-06 4488
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The Purpose of Establishment of World Authorized Private Detective Federation(WAPDF) file 2016-12-08 4056
업무제휴 협약식 file 2016-04-07 4771
Raven Legal Task Force file 2015-12-25 4727
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"상황대처법" file 2015-12-20 4700
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After Sept. 11, 2001, international trends have been alarming.

Domestic and international terrorists are equipped and better trained than many governmental military units.

Furthermore, terrorists and pirates use machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers, radar and high-speed boats to attack and hijack their targets of opportunity.

Raven Security Enforcement’s continually strives to develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures to counter current threats using the latest technology.

We are readily available to address our clients’ concern and need to Detect, Deter, and Defend any crisis situation.

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