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RPD Report


Registered on 2022. 10. 01

2022년 10월 8일(토) 오전 10시30 분 한국프레스센터 18층 외신기자클럽 대강당에서 “WFPD INTERPOL CONFERENCE” 행사를 갖고자 하오니 정회원 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 따라서 이번 세계공인탐정연맹 제8차 WFPD 정회원증(신분증. 핀벳지) 수여식 행사와 회원 친목 도모 점심식사 자리를 갖고자 하오니 정회원 신청자는 꼭 참석 부탁드립니다.

원활한 행사 및 식사준비를 위하여, 사전 참석 희망하시는 분들은 아래 링크를 눌러 기본 신상정보를 남겨주시기 바랍니다. (선착순 60명 참석 가능)  

*아래 링크 클릭 접수요망

※ 회원 간의 국제교류 활동에 많은 도움이 될 수 있도록 참여 협조 부탁드립니다. 

세계공인탐정연맹 총장 권 희 룡

아시아공인탐정연맹 총재 하  금  석 올림


List of Articles
72 Extradition treaty edward 2025-01-10 256
71 We are opening a private investigator license acquisition training course file edward 2025-01-09 164
70 ROEAI / 로에아이 file edward 2024-12-20 147
69 WFPD PI TEXTBOOK published. file edward 2024-12-19 278
68 VIDEO- Interview with Korean Detective file edward 2023-06-04 1839
67 Raven Legal Task Force Armed Security file edward 2023-05-13 1742
66 VIDEO-WFPD visited the Washington DC Police Department in the United States Capital file edward 2023-05-11 1701
65 GPS Tracking file edward 2023-04-20 1553
64 VIDEO- We send 2 Raven vehicles to Korea for heavy armory transportation security in Korea. file edward 2023-04-15 1532
63 Korea branch installation registration certificate and seal impression certificate file edward 2023-04-11 1944
» WFPD INTERPOL CONFERENCE file edward 2022-10-01 1801
61 Tens of Million Dollar Big Coin Scam edward 2022-07-26 2052
60 We caught thieves by trying a new way to catch thieves file edward 2022-07-14 1982
59 The principle of presumption of innocence in the Moon Jae-in administration. file edward 2022-07-13 2566
58 VIDEO- RPD Report / Cheating / edward 2022-01-13 2536
57 VIDEO- RPD Report / Missing Person Tracking edward 2022-01-13 2562
56 VIDEO- RPD Report / The history of the Raven Legal Task Force edward 2022-01-07 2597
55 Cheating file edward 2021-09-08 2926
54 VIDEO- RPD Report / E-2 Visa Fraud Case edward 2021-07-30 3417
53 VIDEO- RPD Report / Raven Night Patrol edward 2021-01-12 3827
After Sept. 11, 2001, international trends have been alarming.

Domestic and international terrorists are equipped and better trained than many governmental military units.

Furthermore, terrorists and pirates use machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers, radar and high-speed boats to attack and hijack their targets of opportunity.

Raven Security Enforcement’s continually strives to develop new tactics, techniques, and procedures to counter current threats using the latest technology.

We are readily available to address our clients’ concern and need to Detect, Deter, and Defend any crisis situation.

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